Doing the BODYPOLITIC workshops we would always have a library with us, sometimes we would read to people as they sewed, I would print off articles and bind them . . .
Clare read Audrey Lourde through a megaphone during a workshop picket . . .
Im too tired to write, but I wanted to start . . .
“To Our Friends” the invisible commitee
“Neither Lord Nor Subject” Bao Jingyan 300BCE [self printed]
“Exiting the Vampires Castle” Mark Fisher [self printed]
“No is not enough” Naomi Klein
“Feminist Theory from margin to centre” Bell Hooks
“Your silence will not protect you” Audrey Lourde
“Advertising Shits in your head”
“Hope in the Dark” rebecca Solnit
“On Anarchism” Noam Chomsky
“Deep Adaptation” Jem Bendall [self printed]
“A Rough Guide To Reality” anonymous [self printed]